Monday, September 7, 2009

Reflux/Gas Lactose Intolerence and ranting.

So Tim's had bad reflux and gas since the day we brought him home. That first night we realized I'd had a LOT of milk products the day before and remembering that Darrion had been Lactose Intolerant as a baby I cut milk products out of my diet (and replaced them with soy). His gas and reflux have continued but until the last two nights had not held a candle to that first night.

The last two nights have been horrendous, with Tim screaming basically from 9pm to midnight and me passing out with him on my chest. I've been giving him Chamomile Tea watered down when the gas/reflux get bad and it certainly helps. I can almost always hear him fart or burp within minutes of the Chamomile but the last 2 nights it hasn't touched the reflux. I'm working on identifying other factors in my diet that upset him. So far it seems that tomato products are a huge issue, Broccoli and Cauliflower (my favorite veggies) cause gas, citrus juices aggravate reflux, and I'm afraid the soy is an intolerance issue as well. I've experimented with the Soy a bit today to see if I can see a correlation, dry cereal isn't the best but whatever helps my munchkin. If it seems to be the soy we'll be moving to Rice milk and I'll be taking a separate calcium supplement since I'm losing my 2 main sources of calcium (I can't drink soy or rice milk plain). Another possibility may be chocolate, which would also drive me crazy to have to avoid, but so far today I haven't had any and the gas/reflux have been minimal. I'll have to pin it down between the chocolate and the soy.

[Begin Rant] I'm really somewhat annoyed that I keep being told "It's just normal" or "His digestive tract isn't developed yet" or crap like that ... I KNOW his digestive tract isn't developed yet. That's why he's drinking milk stupid. And NO it's NOT normal to have a baby screaming in pain and exhibiting obvious signs of fear when a reflux episode is oncoming. It's not normal at all, no matter how much women try to tell me "it'll go away in a month or 3" forget that, I'm NOT putting my baby through months of this, or even weeks. But even worse, in my mind, are the women that just go "Get your Dr to put him on Zantac" or Prilosec, or give him Mylanta or any of that crap. He's a freaking BABY!!! I won't take that crap myself let alone drug up my 2 week old child. URGH!!! Why can't people understand that there's a natural solution to things if we just take the time and effort to find it. Yes it'd be EASIER for me to go to a Dr, get him a prescription, and drug him up every day, but it's HEALTHIER for me to identify the issues in my own diet, avoid them, and not cause the problem to begin with. Do I want to go a year or more avoiding these foods? Heck no ... I love most of the foods I'm cutting out. But my son is more than worth it. [End Rant]


  1. I totally agree with you! I've actually had one of Christopher's relatives try to convince me that Sariah DIDN'T have colic, based on her "expert" knowledge of the subject (her husband is a med student and her baby did). She says it couldn't have been colic because it went away when I entirely changed my diet and took Sariah to LaRee who zoned her and found a fold in her stomach which made it excruciatingly painful for her to digest anything. But yeah, they were telling me the same thing, go to the Dr., etc. I had my baby at home without all that, why would I take her to the Dr. to get drugged up after? Sariah had issues with Soy and regular milk products for about her first 6 weeks, then she grew out of it. Hopefully Tim doesn't take that long!

  2. Celeste was my worst colic baby. She pretty much lived in her bouncy seat or in her swing. I gave her a lot of the gas relief drop stuff, that helped some. But since I'm not into herbs and stuff she never had any of that. And I never thought it was from what I ate. We just suffered through it. Found a way to hold her stomach to help her with her gas pain. Eventually she grew out of it, but it sucked! Meanwhile, just know if you can't take the screaming any longer, it is okay to put your baby down in a safe place and walk away for a little bit. For both of your sakes.
