Friday, September 4, 2009

Birth Story (Late Post)

So to start at the very beginning ...

I first had 'false' labor on August 1st, my contractions were regular and about medium intensity. They got to where they were 3 minutes apart regularly and lasted for hours. I went into the birth center and stayed for a few hours with no progress before eventually being sent home. The entire time due to my back labor they were trying to make me get into positions to 'turn the baby' despite my telling them I'd had no issues with my first back labor and it didn't really bother me. After being sent home and dealing with contractions half the night they eventually stalled out and I went back to work and life the next morning. The following Saturday August 8th I started into contractions again, roughly 30 minutes apart. They came this way for at least a few hours a day every day after that, often times closer together but I was getting them daily at the least.

Finally on Thursday August 20th around 8pm I started into contractions 30 minutes apart, I made sure to focus on getting enough food due to my hypoglycemia and they got closer together as time progressed. I was able to sleep between contractions that night as they were still 30 to 60 minutes apart. I monitored them the next day and they just kept getting closer together and stronger, finally at around 5pm on Friday August 21st I called my Dr and headed into the birth center with strong contractions 8 minutes apart. I'd made some progress since my OB appointment on Thursday morning so they had me stay.

I labored at the birth center all night, once again with the nurses trying to get me to do everything in my power to 'turn the baby' even though every time I followed their advice my cervix got more difficult to find and things just seemed to be harder. My contractions rapidly got closer together and hovered around 3 minutes apart, I wasn't really able to sleep through them or even between them and was still making no progress. Finally Saturday morning we asked my OB to come in and break my water to get things moving. She did so and while the contractions picked up in intensity they were still doing very little for me. Eventually my OB manually dilated me to a 6, which hurt like MAD. After that I was in serious transition contractions and after 40+ hours in noticeable labor was just having trouble dealing with it.

Eventually I broke down and asked for some Pain Meds to take the edge off because I just couldn't deal with the contractions. I'd made some progress but I'm not sure how much by that time as they didn't really tell me. They inserted an IV and gave me Stadol which took the edge off of the pain but didn't take it away. My OB came back in, I think she knew I was losing my energy/drive by that point because she manually dilated me to a 10 so that I could start pushing, even though I objected and cried/fought her. The next period of time (what I'm told was 2 hours or so) is just a blur in my mind. I kept passing out due to exhaustion and the Stadol and had no clue what was happening half the time. I'd come to with the OB and my nurse trying to coach me through pushing, I was holding my legs up and pushing but had no clue. Finally I forced myself through the haze enough to push and managed to push my little guy out, apparently he came out at an angle, he wasn't facing front or back by that time but was crooked. I have to wonder if that wasn't due to all the nurses trying to make me make him turn when he didn't want to. And I think that my difficulty progressing was due to that.

After Tim was out they had me delivering the placenta. The OB was pulling gently on the cord while I pushed it out, apparently most of it came out but a lobe stayed inside. My OB ended up actually having to reach fully inside of me and pull out the remaining parts of the placenta. I was crying, screaming, and physically fighting her despite my aware mind trying not to fight her. It just hurt so bad that I wasn't thinking straight, I swear I probably gave the poor woman bruises. Due to the trauma of them having to manually remove the separated placental lobe my uterus didn't contract down properly and they ended up having to give me an emergency IV of Pitocin so it ended up being a good thing I had the IV in from the Stadol.

So after it all despite the issues it turned out fairly well considering. And I've decided if I have back labor again I tell the nurses and even Drs to shove it and let me have back labor. I like it that way thank you very much! ;)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the updated birth story! With my last 2 they also were turned sideways like you described. Lily finally turned on her own before I started pushing, but Isabelle I had to push out sideways until the doctor could reach her and turn her. It sucks! I hate sideways babies!

    That stinks that so much went bad for you. I hate when you feel like the medical staff didn't do what you wanted or everything they could have, and you have a bad experience because of it. I've felt like that with all but one of my births, although this last one was the worst. I think I put that experience on the blog.

    Anyways, I hope you've had a good recovery. That's the worst part for me.
