Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Baby/Life Balance ...

Is there such a thing?

I don't really recall it being this difficult with my first, though I'm not sure the reason for that. Maybe it's that I know I'll have to go back to work in less than 3 weeks now but with all the feedings and everything that needs doing I feel overwhelmed. Tim's still eating nearly every hour some days, most days it seems and it makes it very difficult to get things done. I feel like the second I put him in the wrap to go about doing something he'll wake up screaming and I'll have to stop mid-activity to feed him.

Then there's dealing with home-work for Darrion, more on that later likely either from Sean or myself, but that takes up at least an hour every evening. So after picking Darrion up from school about 4:00pm between walking his dog, dinner, homework, feeding the baby, and trying to get a bit of evening cleaning done my entire evening is GONE. This wouldn't be nearly such a big deal except for the fact that I'm looking at going back to work in 3 weeks, and that will be ALL the time I have at home, it's very overwhelming to consider.

I really wish there were a way I could stay home, or work from home, but between the fact that I make slightly more money and the fact that I carry the insurance there is no feasible way that I've discovered to be able to do so. It also doesn't help that with Tim's food sensitivities it's even MORE difficult to purchase foods for reasonable prices. You'd be very surprised how few things do not have either milk or soy in them. The only good thing financially is it's nearly impossible for me to just go out to eat anymore. When I sit down and consider how hard it will be to find something I can eat and not upset the baby it actually becomes EASIER to just cook. THAT is funny to me.

Anyway on to the good stuff. Tim's started smiling more than just in his sleep, he grins while playing with Daddy now. He can lift his head and turn it from side to side while on his tummy, he holds his head up fine otherwise so I've been able to wear him facing outwards in the wrap as long as he's awake. And he's really getting/got the hang of going potty in his little potty chair. He typically only has 'skid marks' in his diaper unless I've gone too long between giving him a potty break. I don't potty him at night so he usually has a soaking poopy diaper first thing in the morning unless I get him to the toilet quick enough to catch the poo. But during the day so long as he's pottied before every feeding he tends to put most of his poop in the toilet. It makes it really nice as far as washing diapers, I have yet to have a fully dry/clean diaper but that doesn't matter, it's nice to know he's not sitting in his own crap. I figure when he gets older and better able to sit on the potty himself we'll worry a bit more about catching the pees.

As for size last week at his 1 month appointment he was 10lbs and 21 inches. He's growing nicely and has the cutest little chub rolls. The Dr did prescribe Zantac for his reflux, which we are giving him but I'm not sure if it's really helping any more than cutting the milk/soy did on its own. I'll be watching it for a while longer and if it doesn't seem to be doing anything I'll probably stop giving it to him. Anyhow, it's time to head out to get 'big brother' from school.

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