Sunday, June 6, 2010

A Letter to Grandparents

Grandma/Grandpa please keep in mind that while I am a child and should be allowed to have fun I still must have limits, just as my mother/father had limits at your house.

Please realize that when you tell me "don't tell mom/dad" what you're really saying is "lie for me". Please keep in mind that if you say "mom/dad doesn't have to know" or "what mom/dad doesn't know won't hurt her/him" what you're really saying is again, please lie for me. You are also putting me in a very difficult situation, you are making me the bad guy. Either I lie to my parents which I know is bad, or I disappoint you and get you in trouble. This is not fair to me, I'm just a kid!

If my parents say that I'm allergic to X please believe them and do not feed me ANYTHING containing X. If you are not certain then simply do not feed it to me. Even if I don't have an anaphylactic reaction if I am allergic to something it makes me sick when I eat it. I don't like to feel sick, I may like the snack/treat you gave me but I don't know it has X in it, that's your job to keep track of. I'm just a kid!

If my parents tell you that when I have sugar/red dye/etc it makes me have issues, please believe them. I don't like to be unable to pay attention and be constantly yelled at. You feeding me something that tastes good for 5 minutes isn't worth the next 5 hours of being in trouble!

Please remember that my parents rules are the rules, even if you think they're silly. If my parents say that I am not allowed to have Jello/Koolaid/Ice Cream and you give it to me you are teaching me to break the rules, is that the type of role model you want to be to me?

Lastly, please remember that while cookies, ice cream, cake, presents, etc are awesome what I really want from you is hugs and kisses. Time and attention are worth so much more to me than anything else you can give me, please don't rely on the gifts that my parents may or may not approve of to make me love you. It's not necessary, I already love you!

Lots of love,
Your Grandchild

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Did you find that, or write it? Can I copy it to my blog, and send it to my daughter's grandparents?

