Saturday, June 19, 2010

Here's to no more school!

Today I dropped my little D off at his dad's house for 2 weeks. Since these periods are always hard for me I decided I was going to make a happy blog post instead of dwelling on it. :)

So, as of yesterday at 12:00 Noon my little D will no longer be going to public school. From here on out unless and until we all decide otherwise, he's going to be home schooled. It will be a lot of work, and most likely a lot of fun. I think home schooling will be perfect for my little guy. Just the other day we were at the ER with his brother (mouth wound that took a bit too long to stop bleeding for mama's comfort, nothing big) and he switched the TV off of Cartoon Network and on to the Science Channel. He was watching these shows about black holes and Hawking Radiation and all this stuff that hurts my head with avid fascination. Not only does he want to learn about this stuff but he already really comprehends a great deal of it ... at not quite 7 years old.

His teacher this past year at school actually told me she could not challenge him in math, and it seems, in science either. We've got our work cut out for us but I really think that my little guy will excel if given the chance, so here we go, into all new realms of fun!

1 comment:

  1. Amber, I'm sure you have several sources already, but I ran across this website last week, and I think you might enjoy it!

    Good luck, and let me know how it works for you. Sariah is already counting to 20, identifying the capital letters of the alphabet correctly, saying the alphabet mostly in order, correctly identifying shapes, etc., way beyond the other kids her age at church, so there's NO WAY I'm going to subject her to being held back by the class standard in a public school.
