Friday, January 8, 2010

Overdue update.

Among other things, Tim has teeth. He got 2 teeth for Christmas after weeks of pain from them trying to come in. As a family we're doing well. Darrion's enjoying his little brother and our little family is coming closer together as Darrion is also accepting Sean as his step-dad now. It's no longer awkward to him when he calls Sean "dad" because he's "daddy" to Tim and it just makes sense. But there's no pressure either, we allow him to call Sean whichever he wants.

Tim's taking after his brother and wanting to stand/walk and wanting nothing to do with his tummy. I hope I can get him to at least attempt crawling but if I lie him down on his tummy he just rolls over within minutes, it's kind of funny. Tim got an activity table with a walker style seat attached to it that he can walk in circles around the table but not go anywhere else with. It's really nice as it gives him a change of scenery, me free arms without having his weight on my chest, etc. I still wear him in the wrap a lot but my chest spasms are coming back and it's not so great to be wearing 15lbs on your chest when the cartilage starts to seize up and you have a near asthma attack.

He's also trying to talk already and doing really well with EC. More later, mommy life calls.