Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Hair Poll

There is a poll on the left side of the screen for whether or not Tim will be born with Hair and what color. Please vote for your opinion and reply to this post with what your vote was so I can keep track of the votes. This will allow me to determine the winners.

In case any of you like to use old wives tales to determine hair presence or thickness ... I have had heartburn with Tim but it has been only occasional and much less than I had with Darrion.

Also to note, for those of you who think that blonde is crazy, my family has a history of all babies being born blonde. Darrion was born blonde as well.

Due Date Poll

There is a Poll on the left side of the screen for whether or not little Tim will be coming on his due date. Please reply to this post after voting to specify what your vote was. This will allow me to keep track of who wins each contest. Possible prizes for winning will be determined at a later date. Thank you for playing.

Shower Games - Polls

I will add a post for each Poll, after you vote please comment on the corresponding post and state which answer you selected. This is the only way for me to keep track so we can see who 'won' the poll contests. I don't know yet what rewards may be provided for winning.